Written by Joey WANG
As last semester I have gained some followers via the essays written last year, I do have a pretty good impression on Blogger, so this term I chose to launch my essays on Blogger as well.
Previously, I always shared the essay links on my Wechat Moments to help drive traffic, as there are many of my friends who have the same interest with me. And I could always have a discussion with my readers. So Wechat Moments used to be the best choice of my promotion. Unfortunately, Wechat blocked Blogger somehow that all the links shared from Blogger will not work on Wechat Moments. Every time my readers open the link on Wechat Moments, all they found is a huge “ERROR”, which I bet that thanks for the action of Wechat, the bounce rate of my web must be super high this term. Such an obstacle directly and seriously affected the spread of my essay, which could be clearly read from my page views: dramatic decreases compared with previous essays.

Thus, I came up with a new idea that to launch
my essays on Facebook. When I shared my link, I always wrote several lines of
words to introduce the core content of my essay and tried to raise some worth
discussed topics in order to make my launch more eye-catching. However, because
on the one hand, I have fewer friends on Facebook compared with hundreds of
friends on Wechat, the influence is really limited. Also as we know that
Facebook is blocked in Mainland China as well so that expansion could be more
difficult. Besides, of course there also might be a possibility that my content
is not interesting and attractive enough; my keywords may not be clear enough
to be caught by spiders, etc. But the necessity of proper channels should never
be neglected and must be carefully chosen.